

"Pivot. Pivot. Pivot! Pivot! Pivot!! PIVOT!!!" - Ross Geller

It's OKAY to pivot.
It's OKAY to change directions.
It's OKAY to take an unexpected turn (or even a wrong turn).

We all have a plan. We've all created a storyline in our minds of exactly how our lives should play out. We all believe that if we study long enough, work hard enough, and make the right connections, everything will fall into place. We've convinced ourselves that we will move ourselves from point A to point B through x, y, and z. That's it, it's that simple.

Now, if you've been around long enough, you know that life is anything but a perfectly written, happy-go-lucky, feel good, Nicolas Sparks storyline. Life is hard. It's filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, detours and setbacks, successes and failures. Often, the life that we imagined and the journey we envisioned could not be further from God's plan. Hell, He's probably looking down on us laughing at the fairytales we've painted in our heads.

The truth is, regardless of how bad you want something, how hard you work for it, or how long you pursue it, if it's not in His will for your life, you'll need to pivot.

Now, to be clear, "pivot" and "quit" are not synonymous. I am not telling you to quit pursuing your dream. I'm telling you that sometimes, you need to be willing to change course.

Think about Ross and the couch (try not to laugh too hard). Sure, for the sake of good TV, Chandler, Ross, and Rachel never got that damn couch up the stairs, but often, especially when moving furniture, there is a way to get it through the door, up the stairs, or even out the window; you just need to pivot.

Ash and I started Ballistic Performance in September 2019 with the mission of cultivating caring, confident, capable people through fitness and nutrition. At the time, I was managing a CrossFit affiliate in Lake Mary, FL. and Ash was the Director of Nutrition. We were financially stable, able to invest 4-7 hours per day on Ballistic, and we had incredible work-life balance. Everything was going according to plan. In fact, we projected Ballistic to generate enough revenue by July 2020 that we would no longer need to retain our positions at the affiliate.

Fast forward to September 2020...

  • We unexpectedly relocated to Michigan in order for Ash to pursue an opportunity with EXOS
  • The COVID-19 pandemic shuts down the country
  • Fitness facilities are forced to close their doors (i.e. I'm unable to work)
  • The combination of Ash's salary and Ballistic generate enough income to keep us afloat
  • Six months of unemployment force us to reflect, discuss, and evaluate our relationship, aspirations, finances, and of course, Ballistic
  • September 2nd, I'm presented with an opportunity in SALES?
  • September 4th, I accept the position

Wait. What? Sales?

Yes, sales. It was time to pivot.

I have coached full-time since 2013. Fitness is not only my passion, it is my profession. Notice, I said "fitness," not coaching. I love coaching, building relationships, and helping people cultivate a lifestyle that their proud to live and share with their loved ones. However, in the last 2-3 years, I've discovered that I'm also incredibly passionate about the process surrounding the development and implementation of world-class programs that help people transform their lives. Thus, in-person coaching is not something that I need in order to be happy and lead a fulfilling life.

So, what do I need?

Fortunately, I've developed the self-awareness necessary to know exactly what I need to be happy:

  • I NEED daily time with the Lord
  • I NEED Ash to know that she is, and always will be, my number one priority
  • I NEED to nurture my relationships with family and friends
  • I NEED financial stability in order to provide for Ash and our future family
  • I NEED to train and lead a physically active lifestyle
  • I NEED to help Ash scale Ballistic

Why did I accept the position in sales?

The sales position was an unexpected opportunity and something that neither Ash nor I had ever considered. However, the position presented many opportunities that aligned with our desires and aspirations for our relationship, the business, and our future:

  • Unorthodox, yet advantageous schedule relative to our plans for Ballistic
  • Opportunity to learn the intricacies and nuances of sales
  • Potential to generate significantly greater income than any position in the fitness industry - relieving stress, establishing financial stability, and providing funds to invest in our future, as well as Ballistic
  • Opportunities for advancement and relocation
  • Potential for Ash to leave her position, should she ever become unhappy and/or need to work full-time on Ballistic

This wasn't in our plan. This isn't what we had imagined. This is us pivoting.

  • We are still pursuing the same goals.
  • We are still investing all of our additional time and effort into Ballistic.
  • We are still on a mission to cultivate caring, confident, capable people through fitness and nutrition.

We simply changed course in order to achieve those goals, accomplish that mission, and build the lifestyle that we want to live.

Is it time for you to pivot?



Email hello @trainballistic.com
Instagram   @ballistic.performance