A Job Well Done
“Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.”
When is the last time you finished a proposal, project, or presentation and thought, “Damn, that’s good work!” When is the last time you returned home from work feeling proud and fulfilled? When is the last time your scrolled through Instagram and didn’t FOMO, discontent, or dissatisfaction?
It is 2019; the internet has transformed our society. We are more connected than ever before, and we have access to virtually unlimited information. Our communications, commerce, and currency have become dependent on technology; even our relationships have gone digital. Social Media has become the epicenter of attention. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube have become never-ending highlight reels. Rather than focusing on our own lives, taking pride in our work, and falling in love with the process, we have become obsessed with the lives of others.
Social Media is the gateway to the comparison trap. The vast majority of content on these platforms is centered around the lifestyles, experiences, and possessions commonly associated with fame and success; ultimately creating a dangerous facade that forces many to second-guess their careers, relationships, self-esteem, and happiness. We believe that our lives should look exactly like our Instagram feeds: sex, money, luxury, and travel. We neglect to acknowledge the fact that few people, if any, are vulnerable enough to post their shortcomings for our entertainment. In the real world, for every victory, there are three, five, or even seven defeats. We don’t always win. In fact, there is immense value in losing. Often, we learn our greatest lessons when faced with adversity.
We need to change the narrative and begin focusing on our own lives. We need to take ownership of our health, relationships, and careers. Regardless of the circumstances, we are ultimately in control; we are responsible for our actions. We need to chase excellence in all aspects of our lives. If you’re a custodian, be the greatest custodian of all-time. If you’re a teacher, be creative, innovate, and strive to establish more meaningful relationships and better educate your students. If you’re an executive, challenge the status quo and implement changes that will positively impact the company. It is only when we pursue excellence in our own lives that we find true peace, happiness, and fulfillment, and ultimately break-free of the comparison trap.
As the Apostle Paul so eloquently wrote some 2,000+ years ago:
“Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.”
Galatians 6:4-5
Email hello @trainballistic.com
Instagram @ballistic.performance