

Our amazing clients share their thoughts on Ballistic Performance


Jordan's Journey

“The first few months, Ashley and Derrick constantly reminded me that it is a process and I have to trust the process and that we were in a marathon and not a sprint. Every week they provide support, help, encouragement and advice. Over a few months I began to notice things. I felt better. My clothes felt better. The workouts got a little easier before I upped my game and started to increase my weights. I was not craving fast food and I began to enjoy more vegetables. And on the scale I noticed the weight going down. My goal was by December 2019 to be at 230 lbs. In October 2019, I was at 229.3 lbs. In February of 2020, I was down to 218.6 lbs. Over 50 lbs. down! My muscles were getting leaner and I was feeling stronger. Perhaps most importantly, my blood pressure has dropped to normal and I am on almost no medication for it. I am able to enjoy outdoor hobbies. My physical performance at my job is improving. I am in better shape at 41 then I was at 31. In 2019, I began doing CrossFit classes while hitting personal records. I am doing workouts a year ago I never thought I would be able to do. My shirt size went from a 2XL to an XL.

I tell people it’s not just going to the gym and it’s not just eating better. Those are both huge parts, but sometimes it’s hard to explain. It’s a lifestyle change and I make choices everyday that eventually don’t seem like hard choices. It’s being active and putting in the work. Making health a priority. Building up a support network, controlling what you can and not worrying about the rest. Because it took me a while to realize I was trying but not giving it everything I had. It’s not about being perfect everyday. Some days you are going to have a treat. And that’s okay. As Ashley says, that’s being human.

It’s about being healthy enough to enjoy the life I have and make sure my kids have better information as they grow up. So as I eat better so do they.”

Lacey's Journey

“I think God has you cross paths with certain people at the most perfect time. I am so grateful to have met and trained with both Derrick and Ashley. Derrick helped push me to do things I didn’t think I was capable of and Ashley helped me gain confidence and a new understanding of what the body really needs.

Ashley has helped me understand the process of nutrition and what the body needs to function. It’s not about subtracting things from your diet it’s about adding the right things to it.  Also, it’s not an overnight, quick fix. It’s consistency!  In a world where everything is immediate and can be on your doorstep the next day or maybe even the next hour it is very hard for people to be patient. Just like most things you want out of life it takes time and until you are willing to put in the work you won’t see the results you want. She helps you set goals for yourself that are doable and not overwhelming. Ashley also practices what she preaches. You won’t find her doing anything she isn’t suggesting you try or do for yourself. I find that to be very genuine and honest.

People have all different types of talents. Ashley’s isn’t just that she is mega strong and can do A LOT of awesome skills in the gym, but she has a heart for people. She wants to help them feel their best and be able to surprise themselves with what they didn’t know was possible. She celebrates your joys, your accomplishments and listens to what is happening in your life. She even took the time to reach out to a friend about my youngest sons eating issues (pickiness) and helped me find other ways to sneak in healthy options for him. Her passion for helping goes past her clients. She cares. Deeply.

I am so grateful to have learned so much from them and to continue to do so! I look forward to the next chapter!”

Sue's Journey

“If you are searching for professionals who will support and motivate you with your nutrition and/or fitness goals, without hesitation, I strongly recommend Ballistic Performance. Currently, I utilize Ballistic Performance’s Nutrition coaching, BUILD, MOVE and the Pull-up Accessory Program.

Derrick’s workout programs are unique, efficient, and most of all, effective.  He focuses on form and function.  The programs are easy to follow, include complete instructions with video demonstrations, and are accessible through an app on your phone.  If you are willing to put forth the effort, you will see the effects.  Derrick is very approachable and responsive if you have questions or concerns.

Ashley’s investment in understanding her clients’ life, habits, and goals allows her to provide individualized nutrition coaching that is engaging, motivating, and produces results.  Her passion for nutrition, fitness, and assisting people to reach their personal goals is truly unique and inspiring.  She provides weekly check-ins and encourages you to reach out to her in between.  Because of her background, Ashley is able to suggest ways to reach your fitness goals and will help hold you accountable.

Since working with Ballistic Performance, I can honestly say I have gained confidence, am healthier, feel stronger, and have more energy.”

Danielle's Journey

“I met Derrick and Ash during a really hard time in my life a little over 2 years ago. The first thing anyone should know about them is that they are legit human beings first and before anything.  They have integrity.

Second, I came to D and Ash this time around after 2 years of being in a BAD caloric deficit, a year on another very well known remote program for aesthetics. I was feeling beat up and not seeing the results in body comp I wanted.

Our main goal was to solidify for me that I can see body comp changes without the need to record every “lick bite and taste” and we are definitely accomplishing that.

They are incredibly responsive, supportive and encouraging.  To say they “meet you where you are” is the least of it.  They go above and beyond. They teach you how to create long lasting sustainable habits to live the life you want to live in the health that you want to have.  They recognize that nutrition and fitness like anything else is not just black and white.

I’ve learned that it is OKAY to want to improve how I look and feel better in my skin.  There is no shame in that.  But also that obsessing about nutrition and working out is not living. You miss out on so much. You can have that grey area.  Learning and solidifying these things from D and Ash have been incredible.

If you’re even thinking about making a jump to improve how you look and feel I promise you they are your people!”

Meghan's Journey

"I am so thankful to have the opportunity to work with Ash & Derrick! When I started this journey, I thought we would be solely focused on my nutrition and they would help me meet my specific goals (which we are doing, of course!). But what I realized very quickly was that working with them is about so much more than just food alone! I've made progress towards goals that I didn't even know I had until I started checking in with Ash every week. I've not only changed physically, but mentally and emotionally, as well. With their help, I have been growing into the best version of myself. I've learned so much about nutrition, making healthier choices to help meet my goals, and what habits I can implement in my everyday life to be better than I was the day before. I can't say it enough, but I'm so thankful for their support & encouragement and for the opportunity to learn from them every week!"

Karen's Journey

“In August of 2019 I received bad news that would require me to step back from CrossFit. It would require surgery and I was not ready to hear those words. Over the next two months I fell into a big slump, nutrition was suffering, sleep was just not happening and I completely fell out of any workout routine whatsoever. 

It was in October 2019 Ashley reached out to me (just checking in) seeing how I was doing. I explained to her what was going on and she suggested maybe starting the MOVE program.

I without hesitation said YES! She worked with me over the next couple of months to see what was causing me pain and what I was able to do with no pain. I slowly started to get back to a routine and looked forward to working out again. 

Now almost a year later I found the joy in fitness again and have not looked back. They are readily available for any questions you may have about a workout as well as scaling options and videos! 

I will be forever grateful for Ballistic Performance helping me to find the joy of fitness again.  Not only that but today I am pain-free, stronger, and confident in my own skin again."

Mackenzie’s Journey

“I worked with Ashley for the year and a half leading up to my wedding.  I did a combination of the BUILD & MOVE Program, five days a week for 18 months.  

When I first started training with Ash, I also had to start training for a full marathon. She programmed according to my running schedule, and I was able to maintain my milage as well as increase my strength using the BUILD program. 

Once I completed the marathon, we started to focus on strength and conditioning.  As training progressed, I could not believe the changes happening with my body.  I was able to lift heavier weights, my endurance improved immensely, and I was able to do movements I never thought I would be able to do.  

For example, when I first started training, I was unable to do a pull-up.  I can now do five pull-ups in a row with both neutral and prone grip!  

Ashley's energy and enthusiasm is contagious, and and she always kept my program fun, engaging, and challenging. She always pushed me past my limits, and believed in me more than I believed in myself.  

My initial goal was to look and feel great on my wedding day, but what I gained was so much more. The confidence, strength, and joy I gained from working with Ballistic Performance is absolutely priceless, and I am forever grateful.”

Sue’s Experience with the BP Pull-up Program

“Simply put, the Pull-up Accessory Program created by Ballistic Performance works. At the time, I had been working out consistently for a year but could not complete one strict pull-up.  Derrick spoke with me about the program, and being familiar with his exceptional and effective workouts, I was eager to start.  The 8-week program included complete, easy-to-follow instructions and video demonstrations that were accessible through an app on my phone.  I religiously followed the program (2 days a week for 8 weeks), reached out to Ballistic Performance with questions, and at the end of the 8 weeks – SIX strict pull-ups.  I know without Ballistic Performance’s Pull-up Program, I would not have achieved this goal on my own.”


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