Black Friday +
Cyber Monday
1:1 nutrition coaching, fitness tracks, custom programming
Nutrition Coaching
The deals...
- Sign up for 3 months of coaching and get 1 additional month free.
- Sign up for 6 months of coaching and get 2 additional months free.
- Sign up for 12 months of coaching and get 3 additional months free.
*The first 10 new clients that sign up, will also receive 6 months of free workouts and 1 FitCheck session after completing 1:1 coaching
What's in it for you...
Nutritional guidance, strategies, and recommendations
Monthly, 30-minute Zoom check-ins with your coach
Weekly, voice-memo check-ins and communications
Daily workouts delivered via the TrainHeroic app
Members-Only WhatsApp chat
Private video library
Access to dozens of free resources
Fitness Tracks
The deal...
- Sign up for our fitness tracks (BUILD, MOVE, PERFORM, or ASCEND) and receive 30 days free plus lifetime access at only $29/month.
The tracks...
- BUILD - look and feel your best without jacking up your heart rate every day
- MOVE - work up a good sweat and constantly switch things up
- PERFORM - become the bigger, stronger, leaner, meaner version of yourself
- ASCEND - feel functional/athletic and thrive outside the gym
What's in it for you...
24/6 in-app messaging with your coaches
- Complete guidance from warm-up to cool down
- Evidence-based programs that produce results
- Time-efficient structure/formats
- Detailed instructions and demo videos
- Five training days/week (easily modified down to 3-4)
Custom Programming
The deals...
- Sign up for 3 months and get 1 additional month free.
- Sign up for 6 months and get 2 additional months free.
- Sign up for 12 months and get 3 additional months free.
What's in it for you...
- Custom programming is specific to your experience, injuries, limitations, equipment, schedule, and most importantly, your goals.
- Weekly check-ins to provide accountability, support, and guidance
- 24/6 access to your coach via WhatsApp
- Programming delivered via the TrainHeroic app
- Members-Only Facebook group
- Private video library
- Access to dozens of free resources